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Northfield Council No. 12
Cryptic Masons

Past Grand Illustrious Masters &

Award Recipients

Past Grand Illustrious Masters
Carl F. Lidstrom - 2019 - 2020
Gary A. Odegard - 2012 - 2013
Hugh C.
Swift, Jr. - 1993 - 1994
*Robert R. Vance - 1987
*Luvern H. Jensen - 1986
*Hans A. Hansen - 1982
*Glenn Guildner - 1980
*L.K. Offenbecker - 1975
*L.F. Gunsolus - 1973
*R.D. Reid - 1965
*R.F. Shumway - 1960
*N.S. Dungay - 1949
*C.C. Mierow - 1947
*R.M. Reed - 1943
*I.M. Cochran - 1937
*I.F. Seeley - 1933

Cryptic Mason of the Year
Right Illustrious Companion Jerry E. Zierdt - 2023

Ish-Sodi Recipients

Joseph S. Kivens - 2024
Jerry E. Zierdt - 2021 (Honorary)

Clinton J. Christensen - 2020 
Nicholas R. Johnson - 2016 (Honorary)
Gary A. Odegard - 2016 (Honorary)
Richard C. Kachman - 2015
Carl Lidstrom - 2014 (Honorary)

Randall Poulson - 2013
Kenneth W. Carroll - 1998
*Donald B. Purrington - 1995
*Raymond C. Sporre - 1994
*Marvis Williams - 1991

Hugh C. Swift, Jr. - 1989 (Honorary)
*Charles R. Ames - 1989
*Jay Beal - 1986
*Edmund G. Bonnel - 1981
*Fred L. Otis - 1979

* indicates deceased Companion

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